IAFF 4093     5K Fun Run

The first year for the IAFF 4093 5K Fun Run was a success!!!

We were able to raise a small amount of funds; and extend a special thanks to all of our sponsors.






Also, thanks to the Toledo Road Runners for helping by recording and providing race results, and the Oregon Police Department for providing Traffic Control:




The event was covered by the Toledo Blade and featured in the neighbors section.


Early morning preparations were made the day of the race. 

The weather was beautiful, sunny and cool; perfect for racing. 

Several runners registered the day of the race.  Turnout was good for the first year of this event.


Runners gathered at the starting line in anticipation of the race start. 

With racers ranging in age from under 14 to over 65, this was a diverse group.


And they are off!  The runners take to the streets of Oregon, and the race is on….  

The finish line led racers into a final corridor where racers times were captured and recorded.

5K Race Results

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